
An SEO Checklist in 2023 [Ultimate Guide for New Websites]

On this page, you will come to know about the detailed SEO checklist. How to score an organic traffic to your blog from 50,000 search visits to more than 230,000 search visits?

As you know there are numerous categories in SEOs –

  • Keyword research
  • On-page SEO
  • Technical SEO
  • Link building and many more.

So rather than to tackle all of them at once this SEO checklist will help you to stay-

  • Organized
  • Optimized and
  • Sane

So here`s the first category of the SEO checklist-

Top SEO Checklist in 2022-2023

1. Basic setup

  • Create a sitemaps

Side maps helps search engine build to find important content on your site so that they can easily and index your pages.

You can generate sitemaps there are tons of free sitemaps generators available on Google.

  • The next thing to check is robos.txt file. As robots.txt file is important because it gives instructions to search engines or where they can or cannot go on your site.

You can create a robots.txt file by clicking on Google at robots.txt generator.

  • Setup Google analytics and Google search console-

Google analytics can give you useful data that how your visitors interact with your websites. For example analyzing bounce data and time on page can give an idea of user engagement and experience.

Google search console is most important tool for all web masters you can track your performance and search and see the keywords you are ranking for.

2. Keyword research

There are ways to approach keywords research and fundamentals that every page should follow.

  • Find primary keyword target

Every purposely that we create has one main primary target.

Just look at titles and think which keywords are you targeting? Long-tail keywords are the secret of getting tones of search traffic. YouTube SEO how to rank your videos from start to finish? To find a right primary keyword you need a keyword research tool.

  • Assess search intent-

Search intent basically means the reason behind a searcher’s query and Google is best at doing so. Search the primary keyword that you want to rank for then look at the top ranking results. To asses search intent you want to look at the pages that are ranking in the format that you are using. Now if you want to create a product page selling a SEO checklist then you probably won’t rank because you will not be matching the search intent.

  • Look at related queries on your topic

You can get these by searching the keyword on Google and other web browsers.

Every searched keyword will be shown with plenty of information queries and related searches.

  • Find relevant keywords and subtopics for your posts

In a study of 3 million searches we found that on an average the top ranking page also ranks for nearly thousand other keywords in the top ten.

You can see the keywords which the top ranking pages are already ranking for and cover those points on your page.

Use subtopics and do your best to cover your data.

3. On-page SEO

  •  Short and descriptive URL

In a study it has been observed that the pages with shorter URL rank better than those with longer URLs. The better way to choose a URL is to include the primary keyword in your URL.

  • Compelling title and meta description

Many will say that you should include same keyword in title as well as in the data but a study shows that exact match keyword in the title and description do not co-relate with ranking position.

So the question is, should you use the keyword in the title and description?

The answer is it depends.

The most important thing about the title is that it is clicked and clicks turn into traffic, but if find if you are stuffing the keyword for the sake of inclusion they you should not worry much about it.

  • Add relevant internal and external resources

In a study, we find that the pages linked out with high external resources will rank higher than those that don’t.

Second you should add internal links from relevant pages to your new post. A quick way to find pages is to go to Google and search for site: your and then add a keyword related to your topic. You will see the pages related to your topic. Just visit those pages and add links of those. By this you will increase the possibility that Google will discover your page.

4. Content Creation

Choosing a topic with high search traffic potential and doing some basic on-page SEO is important but all of your efforts will be wasted if you content isn’t up to power.

Few things to keep in mind while writing the content are-

  • Write an engaging introduction

The purpose of introduction is to let your readers know that they are at the right place and your page will solve the reasons of being there.


  • Connect with the reader
  • Build trust/credibility
  • Promise a solution to the user’s problem
  • Focus on readability
  • Visual comprehension

Write in short sentences and paragraphs another thing is to add images to separate paragraphs. These steps will help you to make the page look more attractive and make reader’s interest in your page.

  • Reading comprehension

According to study 50% of US population is reads below a 8th grade level which means if you are writing in a higher level most of the people will find it difficult to understand. So the best way is to write as you speak.

  • Ensure your content solves the reason for the searcher’s query

A great content is content that solves user’s problem. For example some productivity tip, someone searching for a productivity tips probably want actionable and practical information they can try right away. They want to know how they can measure how their productivity level is increasing. If your content solves their original problem and answers the questions that might come at the time of reading then you probably have some decent content.

5. Link building

“Links aren’t things. A link represents something somebody finds valuable. A link represents something someone wants to share. A link represents the human manifestation of a desire to let someone else know about something useful.”

There are few strategies that you can use to promote your valuable, share worthy and useful content.

  • Find prospects that are linking to competing pages.

The simple way to find these is to go to keyword explorer and search for your primary keyword and you will get the top ranking pages related to that keyword.

  • Expand your list of prospects using Content explorer

Content explorer has a database of a billion of pages along with the social and SEO matrix. You can search by entering your primary keyword and also search the title as lot of people include the keyword in the topic. Add the relevant prospects from the result you get.

  • Guest posting


  • Skyscraper technique and broken link building

Prospecting before you create content guarantees you will have a list of people to promote your new pages too.

SEE ALSO: Local SEO Ranking Tips

6. Technical SEO

You should have a solid SEO checklist that you can rinse and repeat for each page you create, but as you create more pages there likely be technical SEO issues that go or noticed. So focusing on domain level here find and fix issues. You can find issues by running and crawl tool, the tool can find issues but you have to fix them.

  • Run a crawl using an SEO audit tool ( Ahrefs site audit )
  • Measure and fix page speed ( you can measure page speed by tool like Pingdom GTmatrix  )
  • Make sure your website is mobile-friendly ( you can do this by mobile-friendly tester )
  • Fix external and internal broken links

By following these steps you can create a ranking website with easy steps and all necessary requirements and fewer efforts.

An SEO Checklist is the best way to make your work efficient and give a quality result. Connect with me at for professional SEO services.

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