
How to write a SEO-friendly Blog Post Quickly- Best Tips 2023

A blogger should be well versed in the art of writing, only then the post written by him is liked by the users, and his blogs gradually become famous in public.

In this post, we will learn the art of writing a good post, keeping in mind the SEO Guideline because the content you have written should be understandable to the people, and they should get the answer to the questions.

What to write? Go ahead and do your research.

The first rule is that before writing on any topic, do as much research as possible about it. How will you write if you don’t know before you write? Before writing any post, one should get accurate information about it. What do you want to tell your reader through the post, which topic the post is related to, etc.?If you do not have complete information in advance. So how would you write on that? That’s why it is essential to write on any topic.

Doing proper research will get to know deeply about that topic. With which you can write high-quality content. Due to the high-quality content, readers will want to read your post as many times as possible. It will be liked and shared more and more. With this, the post link will start ranking well in the search engines.

In this way, to create high-quality content, first, you should collect all the information related to that topic. Only then can you build a better SEO Friendly Blog Post.

Choosing the Right Keyword for SEO Friendly Blog Post

After deciding the topic for your blog post, the second task is to choose a suitable keyword. Because with this keyword, your post comes in the search engine. Whatever we write to search anything in the search engine, the keyword is hidden. And whose topic matches that keyword, then the link of that post comes on the search engine’s result page. So what should be your keyword?

Related to the blog post: The Keyword should be naturally related to your blog post. It should not happen that the content and the keyword are something else.

Using Popular Keyword: – Select keyword as a different variation. As your topic is “Keyword Planner.” So people search by writing Keyword Tool as well. Therefore, for example, you can also choose “Keyword Tool” as a primary keyword.

A keyword with low competition: – Choose such a variation of the keyword with low competition. And with that chosen keyword, you should be able to compete with others. So your post will not be able to rank.

Avoid Keyword Stuffing: Keywords should not be forced while writing content. Use keywords where needed. Keywords should not be used where it is not required. While reading the post, it should not seem that the keyword has been forced.

The keyword should be natural while reading the post. To avoid repeatedly using the same keyword and keyword stuffing, you can use Keyword Planner.

1. Using Paragraphs

Everyone uses paragraphs while writing a post. But paragraphs should be used when it is necessary to use them. It would help if you did not use unnecessary paragraphs. Please don’t start any paragraph suddenly on a new line to make it look good. There should be a solid reason for changing the paragraph. Each section should have a new idea and a new purpose for your topic. The paragraph can be long or short, but it should convey the main idea.

The rule of using paragraphs is to write each idea in a separate section. You can also write the main idea related to a topic in only one line by changing the paragraph if you write a post using more sentences and words. So obviously, you will not write the whole post in just one paragraph. 

Your paragraph should not be bigger than 4-5 lines. 

2. Using Heading Tags

Suppose we go on writing a post without using heading tags. And that post or article becomes 2000 to 6000 words. So think about how you will understand what such a big topic is. Just imagine how boring it would be to read this. No one wants to read a 6000-word post without heading tags.

So heading tags can also indicate the topic of the post. If seen, heading tags are the structure of our page. That’s why you should use heading tags. Using heading tags makes any tropic readable. Along with this, it also benefits SEO.

The title of your post is Heading 1. Some WordPress theme uses the title of the post as Heading 1 or Heading 2. So if the default Heading is 1, then the second heading of the post should be used as Heading 2, Heading 3.

Heading Tags helps any search engine understand your post’s topic, which improves the ranking. Heading tags should be used in order from largest to smallest. For example, you are Heading 2, Heading 3, Heading 4, etc. Keywords should be used in one or two headings but not in all titles. If your post is too long, you can use Heading 2 to Heading 4. Heading 5 and Heading 6 have less value than the previous heading tags. Therefore, even if you do not use these headings in your post, it does not make much difference.

How Big Should an SEO Friendly Blog Post Be?

A blog should neither be so small nor so big that any vital information is missed. If you are writing a post of 300 words, then whatever information you want to give through that post. That information should be complete within 300 words. Otherwise, that post will be incomplete.

Similarly, if a post is writing 2500 words and in that too, some vital information is missed. 

So 300 or 2500 words don’t mean much. Just whatever you want to tell in that post, it should be complete. Now whether it takes 300 words to complete any information or 2500 words, or even more, that information should be complete ultimately.

Therefore, you should write any post according to the need of your topic. Google also likes long posts more. But that doesn’t mean shorter posts aren’t better. Here it is not a matter of more or fewer words; it is quality. That’s why your post should not be of high quantity but high quality.

Given below is a graph showing the rank of short and tall posts. You can see which post has ranked better.

Write your post naturally. Do not miss necessary information to shorten too much. Please don’t put anything unnecessary in it to make it bigger. That’s why you should focus more on the quality of an SEO Friendly Blog Post, not on the quantity.

1. Creating a Blog Post Structure

You have to take care of some basic things: post title, introduction, paragraph, the body of the post, heading, link, conclusion, etc. All these things are called the structure of a blog post. If you have decided the topic for the post, done the research, collected the complete information. So the second task is to create a good structure for the post.

Post Title: This is the title of the main post.

Introduction: Briefly introduce the post.

Paragraph: Writes each idea of ​​the post in separate paragraphs.

Heading: By heading, the post’s topic is divided into different sections.

Body of the post: Contains the central message of the post.

Link: Add a link to your other post.

Conclusion: At the end of the post, write the conclusion that what information we got from this post.

2. SEO Titles and Permalinks

For good SEO Friendly Blog Post, the SEO title or title of the post has to be written very well. Because from the title of the post, the search engine knows about the post’s topic.

It should contain the targeted keyword (but the keyword should not seem forced)

The SEO title should be attractive, seeing which the user wants to click.

Similarly, the URL or permalink should also be attracted. Permalinks should not be made too big, removing unnecessary words. The URL is automatically generated in WordPress. That’s why you should do it before posting. So my SEO title would be –

“How to Write SEO Friendly Blog Post? – Your 12 best advice in Hindi.”

The URL or Permalink will be – “SEO-Friendly-Blog-Post.”

1. Meta Description

Post title and meta tag both are precious for good ranking. Because both of these are seen on Google’s search page. Above is the post’s title, and below it is a short meta description. If we are writing SEO Friendly Blog posts, we cannot leave out the Meta Description. Because Meta Description also plays a significant role in ranking search engines.

A Meta Description is a concise statement about the post, which we can write in a maximum of 156 characters. If you make this description longer, it does not appear entirely on the search results page. Therefore, using 156 characters, you should write a statement regarding the post. It would help if you used the keyword related to the post in Meta Description.

2. Using Photos

Photos make any post very attractive. Suppose you write a long-standing and do not use a single image. So readers can get bored with this and close your site. Therefore, it is essential to use pictures, videos, infographics, graphs, etc., in a post because this increases the quality of the content and benefits SEO.

Whenever you upload a photo, the name of that photo should also be similar to your post. So the name of the image should be “SEO Friendly Blog Post.jpg.” Suppose you want to upload more than one photo in your post. So try that there must be a keyword related to your position in the photo.

 Or you can add ALT later by going to the edit option of the image. But in ALT also, definitely write the keyword related to the post. Writing ALT is that search engine bots cannot see the photo. After reading the ALT, they understand that the image has been added to the content.

If you want to upload a video in the post, it should relate to the topic. 

3. Adding a Link to a Post

In the post you are writing, add a link to your earlier post. Along with this, it also helps in search engine optimization.

The link should be added only when the link is needed. The link you want to add to the post must be related to your post. Like, I am writing about SEO Friendly Blog posts. So I will only add the post link related to SEO in it. Like, what is SEO?, What is On-Page SEO? e.t.c.

4. Post and Update Content Regularly

If you do not regularly post and update the content on your blog. So search engines reduce the crawling of that blog. It hurts the ranking of the website. Therefore it is essential to keep the website updated. Also, keep posting content on the site regularly.

5. Check Before Posting

It is essential for SEO Friendly Blog Post that before posting any content or article, it should be checked thoroughly by reading once, twice, thrice, or four times. Or you can read your post from someone else. After reading the post, he understood it correctly or not.


It is also a request to all of you blog readers, if you find this post helpful, then do not keep this information only with you; please share it as much as you can in all the groups on your social media. It will happen that I will get motivation, and maybe this information will answer someone else’s question.

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