
Ecommerce SEO Strategy-What is On-Page SEO and tips to improve it.

In such a competitive age of omnichannel eCommerce, your content must be unique and engaging to urge users to purchase your products across multiple devices. For your content to be readily available to customers, you need to improve the search engine visibility of your site on the platform.

What is Search Engine Optimization?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of driving traffic to your online store by increasing the visibility of a website or webpage to users of web search engines. “Search” is one of the most significant sources of increasing traffic.

About 60% of all traffic on the web begins with a Google search. By adding traffic from other popular search engines like Bing, Yahoo, etc., 70% of all traffic is generated from one search engine.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an ever-evolving process, as the various algorithms that search engines use are changed and updated daily.

An e-commerce site needs attention like any other informative website for search engine optimization. Having hundreds of products in your e-commerce store will be of no use if the individual products are not search-friendly.

Your ranking in search engines plays a vital role in helping you thrive as a marketer and boost the growth of your business.

Off An eCommerce SEO Strategy:

Write a unique, compelling and detailed product description for each product you own. Be sure not to copy-paste a product’s report from the manufacturer’s site and write one of your own instead. Write a product description that is at least 150 words in length.

Add meta description and title tags:

Adding meta descriptions and title tags to every web page of your online store are extremely important to help you with SEO. These are details placed on each page so that Google knows the purpose of these pages.

While it is essential to keep these as unique as possible, you should also mention the specific product and title in your meta description for better customization.

Add customer reviews to your website:

Incorporating customer reviews on your eCommerce website can do a lot of goldwork for your business.

Positive reviews can help your site increase your organic ranking on Google. Showing customer reviews not only increases the authenticity of your eCommerce store but also leads to higher conversion rates among customers.

Add a FAQ section to your website:

The audience is everything for any eCommerce owner or any other business owner. It is essential to add a FAQ section to keep your audience well informed about your store,

Without a FAQ page, your visitors would need to contact you in person and wait for a callback. Honestly, most of your audience doesn’t have time to spare. An up-to-date FAQ page will not only save your visitors time but will also save you time and help make your website more efficient.

Keyword Stuffing:

It is essential to add keywords to all your content. However, keyword stuffing can be dangerous for your eCommerce store. When writing content, think about your reader base rather than Google. Think about what they are looking for and what they want to read on your webpage. It will help you keep it natural without hampering the quality of your website’s content.

Slow down page load times:

every second counts!

Your customers will not stay on your site if it takes too long to load. People will hardly spend a few minutes on your website, not minutes. If you don’t take care of slow loading times, there are high chances that you will lose out on customers even before you even open the pages of your website. If you want to provide a satisfactory experience to your searchers, you cannot allow long loading times. On average, a desktop page should load in less than 3 seconds, while a mobile page shouldn’t take more than 2 seconds to load.

Never copy your competitors:

Copying content from your competitor is the worst for your eCommerce store. You should check out the competition to stay in line and gain inspiration, but copying keywords from their content will only rank you low on Google search.

If your customer has a reason to keep coming back to your website, there is a high chance that your website will rank high on Google search results.

Earn those extra brownie points by creating a website that not only interests your customers but search engines as well.

What is SEO on Page:

To begin with, you need to understand the meaning. It comes from English and is one of those words we use to describe adaptations on the page. That is, that the text is well placed, that there are keywords by which they find us, that Google sees us as a readable page.

SEO on El Page refers to organic positioning. So it is based on modifying the HTML code to meet the criteria recommended by Google and optimizing your online store to work with it so that the positioning goes up and means That’s to be in the first search results.

How to improve it in eCommerce:

There’s no doubt that if you optimize your eCommerce with what we’ve seen before, you’ll get great results, and you’ll be doing Google on your side, not the other way around.

However, there are a few tricks that can help you improve the on-page SEO of your online store:

Use keywords. To do this, do a little research and see how users search for using those keywords on your website. To do this, you can use Google Trends or paid tools that will guide you on the best keywords.

Be careful with categories and tags. They are essential, and therefore you will put together a site that is easy to navigate when it comes to indexing it.

Of course, don’t put too many labels on articles, and if possible, choose only one in the categories, so pages don’t get duplicated.

Stay tuned for Google’s changes. Often, Google changes its guidelines; what worked before, doesn’t know, or worse, penalizes you. So try to control Google’s news to be first.


So friends, if you are also thinking of earning money online through a website or blog, then before that, get complete information about SEO. Only then can you increase traffic to your blog or website.

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